On this page we'll provide some history about our organization or our cause. For example, here's what we might say if our
web site is about saving our favorite building from the wrecking ball.

Newell is famous for it's fiesta ware, it sits on the banks of the Ohio River, It's 3 miles south of Chester and 5 miles
north of Mountaineer Resort. Newell was established in 1905. and across the Newell Bridge lies East Liverpool,Ohio. Newell
is unincorporated community.
Newell Lions Club History
Sponsored by Weir Cove Lions Club (Now known as the Weirton Lions Club) chartered January 22,1947. With 29 members. President
Harold Gregory, Incorporated May7,1948. Albert Logston,the only member to serve as District Governor.The first Fund-Raiser
Drive, was a scrap metal drive.First EyeCase care project was an Eye Testing Machine,to be used in the Newell Schools. First
Major Community Projectwas installation of a basketball court at the playground in town,which the playground is still being
used. Installed street marker sign to qualify for home delivery of mail. Helped organization and building of Newell
Memorial Football Field. Repaired and painted playground equipment, built and replaced picnic tables at the park, along with
cutting grass at Clark Field and Playground. Present members consist of 49 members, Meeting and Activities are held
at the Newell Lions Den, 510 Washington Street, Newell,West Virginia, every 1st. and 3rd. Monday of every month at 6:30pm.
Board Meetings are held every 3rd. Thursday of every month at 7:00pm. Lion Deloris Wilson was the first woman to join.
Lion Jody Smith was the first woman President,in 1996 to 1997.
Past Presidents
click on link to enter Past Presidents or Our Charter Member Roster